Foro de la Sociedad Española de Killis

Area general => Anuales Sudamericanos => Nuevas especies de Anuales sudamericanos descritas en 2011 => Mensaje iniciado por: Druchii en Diciembre 01, 2011, 17:52:18 pm

Título: Nueva especie: Hypsolebias nudiorbitatus
Publicado por: Druchii en Diciembre 01, 2011, 17:52:18 pm
Hola a todos,

Sólo comentaros que Costa ha descrito una nueva Hypsolebias:

Hypsolebias nudiorbitatus, new species, is described from the semi-arid Caatinga area of northeastern Brazil, upper Itapicuru River basin. It is a member of the H. antenori species group, differing from all other species of this group by having a rudimentary squamation on the supra-orbital region, a unique color pattern on the caudal fin in males consisting of white dots arranged in transverse rows, 14 scale rows around the caudal peduncle, the dorsal fin slightly more posteriorly placed in males and the basihyal bone narrow.


Juan Pablo