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Autor Tema: AIK 2015  (Leído 6640 veces)

Santi YJ

  • Exsocio
AIK 2015
« en: Abril 02, 2015, 12:45:34 pm »

Stefano Valdesalici nos envía la información de la convención italiana:

23° Convention of AIK Italian Killifish Association
23th and 24th May 2015

Centro Educazione Ambientale dei Gessi Messiniani Reggiani
Via Chierici 2 - 42020 Borzano di Albinea (RE) Italy

Saturday 23th May
09.00 Fish reception
11.00 End of Fish reception
11.00-12.00 Fish Judging
12.30 Open exhibition room
15.30-16.30 “Secrets tips & trick breeding South American Annual Killifish” by Didier Pillet
18.00 Closing exposition room
20.30 Dinner and festivities with awarding

Sunday 24th May
09.00 Open exhibition room
10.30-11.15 “Bolivia 2015” by Didier Pillet
12.00 Closing exhibition room
13.30-15.00 Fish auction
15.00-16.00 Equipment lottery
16.30 See you next year!!!

Note: The fish hall is open Saturday 12.30-18.00 and Sunday 9.00-12.00

Rules of AIK show and killi auction 2015
All killikeepers are invited to contribute with fishes to make a great show.
This year the fishes are classed in 7 groups:
1) European and North American species
2) South American seasonal and non seasonal species
3) African seasonal
4) Fundolopanchax and “Roloffia”
5) Aphyosemion
6) Epiplatys, Aplocheilus, Pachypanchax, Lamp-eye
7) Breeding groups

For each group there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
The prize for a “Best in show” is planned.
The judges are nominated by the AIK organization.
All fishes from show will be offered at the auction.

Fish registration
Last limit to register the fishes is the 1st June at this email address:

The fishes must be shipped to:
Stefano Valdesalici
Via Salvo d’Acquisto 4/A
42020 Albinea (RE)

And have to arrive absolutely before Fryday 22th May, if later they’ll be excluded from show.
You can take your fishes with you to the convention before Saturday at 11:00 AM.
If not previously registered the fishes are accepted only if ther’s place.
All fishes arriving too late are maybe accepted but not judged.

For any question you can contact: Stefano Valdesalici

Bidding starts at 3,00 Euro ad increase by 1,00 Euro until 20,00 Euro then increase by 5,00 Euro.
For breeding groups the start is 10,00 Euro.

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