Foro de la Sociedad Española de Killis

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Autor Tema: Fechas APK2020  (Leído 8263 veces)


  • Colaborador Junta SEK
  • ***
  • Desconectado Desconectado
  • Mensajes: 1.461
Fechas APK2020
« en: Mayo 28, 2020, 15:34:25 pm »

Los compañeros de la APK nos comunican sus fechas y programa. Deseamos q nada impida que podamos celebrar esa convención en la que nos sentimos en casa y dónde nos desquitaremos de no haber podido realizar la nuestra.

Dear Killifish friends,


We hope you and your families are healthy and dealing with this difficult and uncertain time the best way possible.


Here in Portugal the worst seems to be gone and we are now in the way to return to the “normal” way of life as it was before the pandemic was declared back in March.


This is being done in small but secure steps which gives us the hope that we will be able to have our convention as planned in October from 16th to 18th.


We are monitoring the situation closely and will provide all necessary updates when available. For sure we want to have you with us but your safety and comfort are our main concerns.


Below you can find the agenda for our convention – full details will be provided later as soon as possible:

Friday, 16 October 2020

Registration and reception of the fishes

Welcome Buffet

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Showroom open

Lecture: “Expedition COLFGMRR202”, by Alberto Reis and Frederico Feitor

Dinner and Prize award

Sunday, 18 October 2020


Goodbye Buffet


We kindly ask you to share this information among your killifish association members and feel free to add it to your site events.


In case you need additional details do not hesitate in contacting us; keep safe!



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  • Colaborador Junta SEK
  • ***
  • Desconectado Desconectado
  • Mensajes: 1.461
Re: Fechas APK2020
« Respuesta #1 en: Junio 05, 2020, 19:19:14 pm »

Añado link que amablemente nos facilita Luis Oliveira a la información en español.

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